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(1 edit)

Can u send the code source for learning please?

Made a video

Words can't describe how amazingly deep and cunning (idk what this word means) has my experience been with "Cutie Conquest". This game, no, work of art poses a question of deep and cunning (still dk) "why? why not make a game so fun, that it lingers on in your memory for years on end..." And it answers that question very deeply and cunningly (idc idk).

Overall all I can say is that this game is very deep and very cunning (i'll never know).

5 Stars!

Socrates was epic as heck! Nice lil' game


Game is absolutely FANTASTIC. Finished the boss first try like a sigma :0 

ayeeeeeeeee thank you thank yous!!!! (人◕ω◕)

In that case I am sigma as well :>.


Amazing job, the game feels very well made, great gameplay and mechanism


:DD thank you so much that means a lot!!!!


Amazing work, this is so well-made! There's so much stuff, enemies, powerups, and everything is polished, just wow!
I especially love the art (the dialog portraits are so cute!) and the boss fights!

eEEeEe thank you for the compliments i appreciate it! ^-^


I really liked this it was very fun to play, great job 

thank you so much i'm glad you think so!! :DD