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OMG such a nice game! I really like it, i love when gamedevs make differents minigames for each phase, such cute art too (✿◠‿◠)

I loved this actually!! I got frustrated but it was that frustration where you want to beat it,, yknow?? Also I loved the silly ending lol

This was fun! The art is excellent and what a great ending! The games were brief and played really well for what they were. You two were splendid on this title. 


Lmao enjoyed the minigames!
My char's face at final end XD

Hilarious ending. Love the game


Lovely art style, funny story and creative and entertaining gameplay make for a sweet little experience, amazing what a talented developer can do in 3 days!

I wonder what ever happened to boss 2...

Keep up the good work!

Great game! Love the art style, and the twist!


what a plot twist!! this was such a fun game :3


The plot twist was pretty funny, and it was a good game!



I loved this game. The plot twist was very unexpected!

Holy crap, what a fantastic game. Great job!


the last one gave me undertale vibes

OHH very nice style and setting panel!!!!!


Wow. Plot twist. Game was quite fun. I really enjoyed the strategy game segment, that was a lot of fun.

Totally unexpected game play! Really really fun. Good game :)


Love the style , it makes me want to make a game like this. Fun idea




No gonna spoil, but what a plot twist at the end


I'll need to go back and stop myself from making a 'This game is quite charming' pun, ain't I?

yoo amazing game! the art is soo good and the concept is also quite intuitive! the last boss fight was quite intense! great game and amazing level of polish!

This is incredible!

(2 edits)

Just played through the entire game and I just wanna say that I LOVE THIS! I mean ending top notch, but also the mingames are unique and interesting, the theme is 100% present, and the artstyle is amazing. Very intuitive and I can immidiately jump in.
 I really liked the second minigame with the sword and shield and gun guys.

Love the artstyle and premise. Also I find the gameplay intuitive and quite fun.